“True progress quietly and persistently moves along without notice.” (St. Francis de Sales) God works powerfully and mysteriously. Often, we don’t realize the changes He’s making in our lives while they’re happening. But when we look back, we see how He has led us. Let’s begin this year entrusting everything to Him. It is an incredible gift that you are giving your child by teaching them the Faith. Our hope is that as a family you will learn and strengthen your faith together!
We are excited to begin another year of Faith Formation with your children!
Registration is now open for all Grades for 2024-2025. Classes start this Fall. Schedule below.
If you would prefer to register in person or by mail, you can download a printable registration form by clicking here.
Grade 1-5 Classes are on Sunday Morning at Blessed Sacrament Church
Grade 2- 9:30a-10:45a
Grade 1 , 3, 4 & 5 - 9:45a-10:45a
11:00a Family Mass
Contact Dawn Hunt for more information:
[email protected]
Grade 6-10 Classes are on Tuesday at Blessed Sacrament Church
Grade 6 & 7 -3:30p-4:30p
Grade 8, 9 & 10 -6:00p-7:15p
Oct. 8 & 22
Nov. 12 & 19
Dec. 3 & 10
Jan. 14 & 28
Feb 11 & 25
Mar. 11 & 25
Contact Rick DeSanctis for more information:
Overview of Grade 1-5 Program
In our Grade 1-5 Faith Formation Program we use the Faith and Life catechetical series by Ignatius Press. Ignatius Press partnered with MyCatholicFaithDelivered.Com to provide a fully interactive, online version of the Faith and Life Series, which is used in our classroom. Our grade 1-5 program takes place on Sunday morning : Grade 2 from 9:30am to 10:45am Grade 1 , 3 , 4 & 5 from 9:45am to 10:45am, ending just before our 11am Family Mass. This allows our families to attend and participate in Holy Mass with their children. The Mass and the Eucharist are the 'source and summit of the Christian life'!
First Grade: Our Heavenly Father, begins with the basics: creation, God, heaven, and the need for a savior. It also covers prayer, the Trinity, the life of Jesus, salvation, Mary and other topics.
Second Grade: Jesus Our Life, prepares children to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Sacrament of First Holy Communion by helping them to understand how the Sacraments are a part of God’s love story. With lessons on the commandments, forgiveness, salvation/redemption, the Eucharist, and the Mass.
Third Grade, Our Life with Jesus, skims through the Old Testament and spends more time on Jesus, the commandments, and the founding of the Church.
Fourth Grade: Jesus Our Guide, focuses on the Old Testament stories of the patriarchs and the sacraments, with more of an overview of salvation history than other levels. It helps children understand why Jesus came to redeem us.
Fifth Grade: Follows the Creed as they learn more about their faith in the volume titled Credo: I Believe. A study of the Creed. Students come to understand that they must stand firm in their faith.
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